Bhakti. the Yoga of the Heart

Philosophy: Yoga is my return to God, my return to my true nature that is Love. Yoga is releasing the layers which keep me separate and run by ego. With yoga I heal my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. I feel prana (life force energy) pulsing through me, as me. I give thanks, with each asana, each breath, as my prayer. I invite you to join me on this path together of returning to ourselves, illuminating our true essence within. Journeying with love always, Life is a gift, lets celebrate!
Rhia found the path of yoga through her mother, her first yoga teacher. She is eternally grateful for this gift. Rhias class is an all levels vinyasa into the heart of Bhakti yoga (the yoga of devotion and love). Using our breath and our bodies as our prayer, we make our offering to the Divine, seeking freedom through a life of truth and Grace. Rhia has been blessed to spend the past eight years teaching yoga on Cape Cod, teaching Yoga Teacher Trainings on Maui and teaching at Bhakti Yoga Shala in Santa Monica, CA. Rhias teacher trainings include Baron Baptiste Power Yoga, Maui Aloha Yoga with Nadia Toraman and Bhakti Yoga with Govindas. Rhia finds peace being by the ocean with her puppy Byron, who she named after one of her favorite places she lived in Australia. Rhia has found perspective and gratitude through international travel and has learned that the greatest gift of life comes from serving others. Rhia is an ambassador for Jade Yoga Mats. Rhia is grateful to her inspirational teachers who continue to show her the way, including Krishna Das, Govindas, Saul David Raye, Sharon Gannon, Baron Baptiste and her mother. Come for Bhakti, Love, Aloha Spirit, and celebrate the breath of life! Rhia is also a health and wellness coach. She has been the personal assistant to Medical Medium, Anthony William since 2009. She believes that it is love and food that is our most powerful medicine! “Only through fierce Love can you transform your Life. LOVE, is your Guru” - Saul David Raye
"Yoga for me has been a path to remembering who I am. I am open to grace to flow through me, celebrating the magic of being alive. A time to feel the call within my heart, time to feel the presence of God that is always there waiting, patiently for me to simply be there. Yoga is a time to release the layers which keep me separate and run by ego. Yoga is a time for me to fit in my body, feel prana pulsing through me. I give thanks, with each asana, each breath, as my prayer. I invite you to join me on this path together of returning to ourselves. Journeying with love always, Life is a gift, lets celebrate! - Love and Light, Rhia"