Take One Step Today in the Direction of Transformation
Many people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel. Others are tired of suffering. My passion is helping people re-discover the place of feeling happy and healthy in their body and mind. I am here teach you how to use food as medicine. The tools I have to offer you are something you can keep with you for a lifetime, they are practices that are easy to incorporate into your daily life, and can provide lasting results.
Jump Start
This one on one is meant to give you a starting point for a healthier you. We will go over your health goals and look at where your current diet may be holding you back and make simple changes to jump start you toward your health goals!
* 60 minute one on one personal health consultation.
* Grocery shopping list
* Current diet & lifestyle analysis
* Revamped meal plan with healing foods
* Wellness suggestions
*E-mail follow up
Total Reset
We will go over your lifestyle and health goals and look at where your current diet and lifestyle may be holding you back. From there we will make changes together that can transform your health and wellness. This plan helps to create lasting results and is not a "cleanse" or "diet" but a new way of eating and enjoying food!
* 3 one on one personal health coaching consultations.
* Grocery shopping list
* Current diet & lifestyle analysis
* Revamped meal plan with healing foods
* Wellness lifestyle design
* Unlimited E-mail support between sessions
* 3 Health Coaching Sessions
Yoga & Diet Transformation
We will go over your lifestyle and health goals and look at where your current diet and lifestyle is holding you back. From there we will make changes together that will transform your health and wellness. This plan helps to create lasting results and is not a "cleanse" or "diet" but a new way of living and enjoying food! Adding personal yoga privates to accompany your health sessions for a total whole body transformation. *Must be in person to receive classes.
* 6 months of personal health coaching support.
* Grocery shopping list
* Current diet & lifestyle analysis
* Revamped meal plan with healing foods
* Wellness lifestyle design
* Unlimited E-mail support between sessions
* Weekly call to make additional changes and increase progress
* 4 Private Yoga Sessions in your home (If you are in the vicinity)